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The PUBLICA concerted action for public libraries funded by DG13 has as one of its tasks to explore the feasibility of arranging a major high level conference [ministers if possible] on public libraries in late 1999. I am just beginning work on this on behalf of the consortium and am looking for expressions of interest from countries which might be interested in hosting and fully or partly funding it. It would be very helpful to hear from colleagues who think their country could be interested. I am hoping to get three or four expressions of interest and would then go into the matter at greater length with such potential partners.

David Fuegi
11 Sanders Drive, Colchester, Essex CO3 3SE UK
Phone: +44 [0] 1206 520110, Fax: +44 [0] 870 164 0197

Information from EBLIDA-List

Council Presidency

Austria took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first time ever on 1 July 1998, after just three and a half years of EU membership. The Austrians received the Presidency banner from the UK, and will pass it to Germany after six months.

The Fifth Framework Programme will be finalised under the Austrian Presidency.

A new Web site provides information on research and development activities in Austria, and on Austrian participation in EU research activities. Information will be available in German and English.
Information from CORDIS Focus, nr.114, 13 July 1998, page 3.


Preliminary results of the INFO2000 Calls for Proposals have been announced by the European Commission. The Calls opened in December 1997 and closed in April 1998.

INFO2000 aims to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry and to encourage the use of multimedia content in the emerging Information Society.

There were two Calls:

  1. Public sector information exploited in European multimedia content services,
  2. Enhancement of Europe's multimedia rights trading environment.
In the first Call, a total of 141 proposals were received, requesting funds totally 50m ECU. 15 of these proposals addressed the archives / libraries area. In the second Call, 26 proposals were received. All proposals are currently being evaluated.

Web site:
CORDIS Focus, nr. 113, 29 June 1998, p.6

Stand: 07.09.98