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EU-Kultur: Partnergesuch fuer Lesefoerderungsprojekt

From: "DBI / Christoph Albers" <>
Subject: EU-Kultur: Partnergesuch fuer Lesefoerderungsprojekt
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 17:22:32 +0000

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--------------------- w e i t e r g e l e i t e t -----------------------------------
Von:                   "Sabine Bornemann" <>
Absendedatum:   Thu, 22 Jul 1999 10:47:49 +0200

Partnergesuch fuer Lesefoerderungsprojekt fuer Kinder

-----Urspruengliche Nachricht-----
Von: Marco Pelliccione <>
An: <>
Datum: Sonntag, 18. Juli 1999 21:59

Marco Pelliccione
Via San Giuseppe, 26/C - Jesi (AN)                Jesi lì, 17.07.99
Tel. e fax 0731/57443
Portatile 0335/8396086

"Accademia Pablo Neruda" - Honorary President Gino Bricchetti's cultural project

At the end of 1994, the Poet Gino Bricchetti concluded a great Cultural
Project titled "Anthology of poems by the children of united Europe", that
involved all of the European Community. The aims of this project are to
introduce children to Poetry, to make them discover the essential values
of life and to develop a relevant economical movement, in both a productive
and selling capacity.

The realisation of this project, its potential and its effect even on the
employment sector, are shown in detail in the enclosed dossier. To
propose such a project to the European Community, it is also necessary
to obtain the co-operation of other European cultural associations (or
outside the European Community as well) that share the final outcome 
of the project.

Please take into consideration that fact that the abovementioned project
comes within the scope of the Competition published on 10.06.99 in the
Official gazette of the European Community, in which there is a specific
reference to "Preparatory actions which promote synergy between culture,
education and instruction, taking research and new technology into account"
(1999/C 163/04).

Taking into account that the applications to participate will have to be 
presented within and not later than 30.07.99 please be so kind as to 
advise me as soon as possible by e-mail ( of the details
requested, as indicated in the Competition Notification, if you are able 
to take part in the project in the role of co-organizer. We point out that 
this co-operation does not involve any cost outlay on your part.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,

Marco Pelliccione     Gino Bricchetti

CHRISTOPH ALBERS, Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut		
- Europaeische Bibliotheksangelegenheiten -
- Sekretariat des IFLA-Nationalkomitees -
Kurt-Schumacher-Damm 12-16, D-13405 BERLIN
Tel.: 030-41034-464  Fax: 030-41034-100

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