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CONNECT: 31 project proposals selected

From: "DBI / Christoph Albers" <>
Subject: CONNECT: 31 project proposals selected
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 15:39:25 +0000

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--------------------------- w e i t e r g e l e i t e t --------------------------------------
Von:                     "Barbara Schleihagen" <>
Absendedatum:      Mon, 6 Dec 1999 13:56:01 +0100

31 project proposals combining culture and new technologies selected

The European Commission has selected 31 project proposals from 243 
applications received in the framework of the call for applications under 
the new Connect action. This action supports projects combining culture, 
education and training particularly in connection with research and new 
technologies. These projects will receive an amount of 7,038 meuro. 

The Connect call for applications was based on two actions:

Action A - culture and education : are designed and managed by 
    culture professionals, with an educational approach which will
    appeal to young people - even children - and will get them interested 
    in all aspects of culture. 

    From the 136 applications for support received under this action, 
    18 projects have been selected to receive a total of 4,287 meuro
    of support. 

Action B - culture and training/continuing education : this is aimed at 
    organisations active in the fields of culture and the arts and concerns 
    projects involving training and continuing education using innovative 
    educational techniques for creative artists, performers and other culture 
    professionals. The use of new technologies is desirable. The training 
    should focus on getting young people started in their careers. 

    From the 107 applications for support under this action, 13 projects 
    have been selected to receive a total of 2,751 meuro of support. 

Information on the respective call for proposals:

For further information on selected projects :
    Mr Antonios Kosmopoulos DG EAC 
    Fax : +32 2 296 6974 

Barbara Schleihagen, Director, EBLIDA
P.O. Box 43300, NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel.: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08


CHRISTOPH ALBERS, Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut		
- Europaeische Bibliotheksangelegenheiten -
Kurt-Schumacher-Damm 12-16, D-13405 BERLIN
Tel.: 030-41034-464  Fax: 030-41034-100

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